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Nothing changes, if nobody changes it! 

 Welcome to the family of Not One More! 

 We are so happy you have found us. Thank you for joining us in our cause of awareness and hope through active outreach .


Not One More History

Not One More started in 2012 in California with a group of supporters, just regular people, each with their own unique talents and dedication, from very diverse backgrounds, but all having been touched in one way or another by substance abuse, addiction, or sadly, death, now make up the Board of Directors for this non-profit organization. With commitment and integrity, we are working hard to change our part of the world, to make it a safe city for our children, families and neighbors.


The Not One More Clarion County Chapter, as of today, is the 5th chapter in Pennsylvania. Our chapter also started with a group of regular people with diverse backgrounds but all affected by addiction in some way. Our journey started in October 2017 and we have acheived non-profit status as of October 2018. 


More information about the California NOM starter can be found on their official website:


If you yourself are struggling with addiction, know that every breath is a fresh start to the next second of your life. Know that you are not alone!

If you have a loved one battling addiction, know you are not alone! Know that hundreds to thousands of families are currently fighting , or have lost someone, through addiction. Know that we believe people can and will over come this crippling epidemic in our communities. 

Our goals are to further educate the local community regarding addiction. We plan to involve the community as much as we can with events and meetings geared towards the families suffering with mental anguish, fear and heartache throughout their loved ones addiction. We want to give the community members, who need comfort, a group atmosphere and a sense of support throughout their journey. Each of us have been affected by addiction, we hid, we cried, we fought, we got angry and we are still travelling through an addiction journey , either through active use or in recovery, we are walking our journey together. Empathy, compassion, support, education and awareness are the goals of our local cause. We plan on utilizing the N.O.M. materials and aids so that we can better serve others. 


All donations will go directly to the Clarion N.O.M. chapter to be used for local community events. Donations may be used for : travel, media, advertising, rental space , food and other items for events.


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